Collect Some Storage Tips for the Long-Term

Do Photos Belong Inside a Storage Unit?

The meaning of the word photo has changed over the years. Once a photo was largely a physical object, something you can hold in your hands, put in a frame or see in a newspaper or magazine. Now it's more likely to be pixels on a screen. Has this made the idea of the photo less important and more disposable? It used to be that you would worry about how many photos were left on the film and what they would look like once they'd been developed. Now it's customary for some people to take a photo of their lunch before eating it to be posted online. But physical photos can represent your memories, a time before pixels and social media, and they're certainly not disposable. If you're moving houses or simply need to get rid of some of your clutter, you might have opted to use a storage unit. But is such a place appropriate for your photos? After all, these photos could be irreplaceable. With some minor preparation, your beloved memories will be perfectly safe and sound while in storage.

Backup Copies

Since you might still want to have the option of looking at the photos while they're in storage, you could easily digitise them. It's fairly time consuming, but scanning each photo creates a digital backup which can be accessed at any time. This is going to result in a higher-quality copy than if you were to simply take a digital photo of the physical photo. Be cautious when removing photos from an album, as the transparent plastic slipcovers might have adhered to the photos themselves, and finesse will be required so as not to damage the photo.

Envelopes and Boxes

Photos in albums can be left in these albums, but you will need to contain any loose photos. Purchase an acid-free envelope (or several) of a sufficient size to hold the photos. This means that the paper will not have the capacity to damage the photos. The albums and envelopes can now be placed inside a box, and you might wish to invest in a fireproof box. While it's highly unlikely to actually occur at a storage facility, it means your precious memories could survive a fire. Ensure that all photos and albums are dry before they go inside the box so that potentially damaging moisture isn't trapped inside with them. You might want to give them a careful wipe with a tissue.

In the Storage Unit

Though protected by their storage box, your photos should not simply be placed on the ground inside the storage unit. Place them on an elevated surface, whether it's a piece of furniture already earmarked for storage or on a small shelf placed in the unit specifically for this purpose. You could drape a plastic drop sheet over the box to repel any moisture which might find its way into the storage unit. Just like a fire, this is highly unlikely to be an issue, but it can be an added level of protection for your photos.

It doesn't take much effort to get your photos ready for their time in storage, and preserving your precious memories is certainly worth it.