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Understanding Restumping: Four Steps To A Level Home

The unfortunate side of buying an older home is that over time, they need work. When you notice an uneven floor, sticking doors and difficult-to-open windows, the odds are good your home needs restumping. Many first-time homeowners, like yourself, have no idea what restumping entails. So before you start worrying that this is a major issue, educate yourself on the four steps of restumping so that you understand how to get back to a level-floored home.

Step One - Locate A Restumper

A house which does not sit on a concrete slab sits on wooden stumps. Over time, wooden stumps sink, rot or warp, and when they move, so does the house they sit on. There are businesses which specialise in removing old stumps and replacing them with new ones. The modern restumping technique sets the stumps in concrete so they are less likely to move in the future. Therefore, locate a stumper by asking friends for reviews, online searches for local restump businesses, or check the Master Builders Australia website. Make a shortlist of three or four businesses in your area, and then move onto step two.

Step Two - Obtain Several Quotes

It does not matter how much you "click" with the first builder you meet; it makes financial sense to get a number of quotes to ensure you are paying a fair price for the job. When you meet with the restumping contractor, there are several pertinent questions to ask them. These include:

When you have the answer to these questions, then you have a level playing field on which to compare the contractors. Once you make a choice based on their reputation and the price, then it is on to step three.

Step Three - Apply For Council Permits

You cannot restump a home without first applying for a council permit. Some contractors do this for you, whereas others leave this task to the homeowner. If the permit application falls into your realm, then visit your local council office, fill in the paperwork and pay the fee. Following the permit approval, then it is on to the final step.

Step Four - The Restump Begins

In most situations, you stay in your home while the work takes place. However, considering the work is being done under your feet, it is advisable to move fragile and valuable belongings, such as crystal collections or antique art, out of the home during the restumping duration. This is merely a safeguard in case any accidents occur. If you have any further questions about the restumping process, have a talk with your local contractor.