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Three Helpful Hints For Moving House During Storm Season

Spring is almost over and that means summer is around the corner. Summer also means storm season is near. Summer is a popular time for moving house as people take advantage of the days off during the Christmas break. When moving day is scheduled during unpredictable weather, how can you help your furniture removalist keep your belongings dry? Use these three helpful hints to move your household belongings without them getting wet.

Plastic Tubs

One of the worst things about cardboard boxes is that when they get wet, their structure is compromised and fails. Damage may occur when downpours occur as your furniture removalist loads the cardboard boxes into their truck. Wet cardboard then falls apart and that leaves your belongings exposed to water damage. For some items, it does not matter if they get wet but for others, it can mean permanent damage. Therefore, when moving during storm season, it is prudent to pack some items into plastic storage tubs rather than cardboard boxes. Any item which contains paper, such as personal files and books, are protected when packed inside plastic tubs. It does not matter if rain gets onto the outside of the tub as the contents within will remain dry.

Rubbish Bags

Before moving day arrives, stock up on several packets of extra-large rubbish bags. These bags are a cheap, waterproof way to protect your belongings whilst loaded into the moving truck or your car. Your clothes, for example, can be bundled into the bags to keep them dry as you move them. Before you exit the house, place the rubbish bags over the back of dining chairs or bar stools to keep them dry. It is surprising how big an extra-large rubbish bag expands to cover your possessions.

Large Furniture

Your furniture removal company has moving blankets to wrap around your large furniture pieces to keep them dry. However, if you have time before moving day, wrap large furniture pieces in thick plastic sheeting. Rolls of thick plastic are available at your local hardware store. Fabric furniture such as armchairs and couches are easily damaged by water so wrap them in plastic before they leave the home. A wood item is easily wiped dry so moving blankets work well to protect that type of furniture.

If you have any other concerns about moving during storm season, speak to a furniture removalist to get more tips for your move.